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The Student News Site of Sutton High School

Sutton High News

Sutton High News

Dear America: Cancel Cancel Culture

Dear America: Cancel Cancel Culture

Sean Hicks, Staff Writer March 21, 2025

Ah yes, cancel culture. The bane of an online conservative’s existence and the greatest weapon of internet progressives. The dawn of cancel culture came in 2020, during the campaign season and the COVID-19...

Pets had a great impact in my life. They've been a beautiful part of my life. (My cats Wilson and Joseph)

Dear America: Everyone Needs a Pet!

Elvis Leyva, Staff Writer February 14, 2025

Now you might wonder, “Why does this guy want me to have a pet?” Well, there are many reasons why everyone should have pets! Some of them for your own benefit but also for the benefit of these cute...

Whether morning or evening, how you choose to look at this determines your perspective--be positive! (Addison Jerome)

Dear America: Everything Happens for a Reason

Arielle Powell, Staff Writer January 17, 2025

Dear America, remember everything happens for a reason. Life often seems chaotic and confusing, yet there is comfort in the philosophy that many hold dear: everything happens for a reason. Having such...

Often you see bins around towns where people can go and drop off some donations. (Hannah Pratt)

Dear America: Are Donation Centers Really Donations?

Hannah Pratt, Staff Writer January 10, 2025

Dear America, When talking about donating clothes to Goodwill it is looked at as a commendable act that proves support and aid to the community and promotes sustainability. However, there is a compelling...

Nature is beautiful no matter the time of year and should be explored (Allie Brattlie)

Dear America: Explore the Outdoors

Ryan Ferreira, Staff Writer January 3, 2025

Dear America, We need to go outdoors more; we need to explore. Most people don't go in the woods or go to places just to explore and see something beautiful but there are so many places that have incredible...

Reuse leftover ice or water from boiling pasta to water house plants.

Dear America: Conserve Energy

Emma Fiore, Staff Writer December 13, 2024

No matter what type of home you have, your annual income, or where you live, there are small steps you can take everyday to conserve energy. Not only does conserving energy help the environment, but it...

If you choose to go to college, remember that schools like Quinsigamond Community College are an excellent choice.

Dear America: College Is Not For Everyone

Evan Threadgould, Staff Reporter November 1, 2024

In the past I believe many kids have been told that once they graduate from high school they have to go to college in order to be successful. This could not be farther from the truth. There are many possible...

The Environmental Club has a big crowd for their meeting! (Deborah O'Neil)

Dear America: Get Involved in Your School Community

Ava Slivka, Staff Writer October 18, 2024

Get involved in your school while still you can! If you go your whole school career without participating in any extracurricular activities, there is a big chance you will regret it. If clubs aren't...

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