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Sutton High News

Fun fact about teachers at our school

Ah the more you know

I wanted to find out about some teachers throughout our school district, so I asked them to tell a fun fact about themselves that not many people know the results were very fascinating and very informative and I feel I learned so much about the people teachers are outside school. These are some cool facts: 

Did you know that Mr. Marcucci started his teaching career in China? Or that Mrs. Senecal has been skydiving three times? Ms. Myra rode a bike 106 miles, and if you are a tennis fan, thank Mr. Lev because he reintroduced tennis to Sutton in 2002. 

Mr. Keough dislikes reading. Miss Scarborough was a dancer in the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade. Mr. Bilica holds a lot of positions: College Football Referee, eSports Coach, Medical Interpreter, and, on top of all that, teacher, Mrs. Farmer qualified for the Olympics in roller skating in the 1980s. 

Mrs. Haerle is related to the 29th US president Warren G. Harding. Mrs. Cullen, right after college, lived in her car for six weeks traveling the country before living in Lake Tahoe CA for two years and then becoming a teacher. 

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Mr. Stone used to hold a secret security clearance for the US government when he worked at UMass Lowell. Mr. Loss was featured in a paint company advertisement when he was three and a toy commercial when he was five. Mrs. Tufts lives in a house that was built before the American Revolution happened in 1775 and is rumored to have been a stop on the underground railroad. 

Ms. Brousseau has been a vegetarian for 20 years. When Mr. Perrin was eight years old, he was run over by a snow plow while sledding. Ms. Whitford auditioned for the TV show The Facts of Life and received a call back, inspiring her to do theater and then stand-up comedy which she did for many years. 

Ms. Shivick performed on stage at the Metropolitan Opera in NYC. Ms. Zajac is obsessed with dogs and has spent her life raising, rescuing, and rehabilitating dogs. Mrs. Perry worked as a magician’s assistant and was sawed in half and levitated. Mrs. and Mr. Whittier’s wedding ceremony was held in the cafeteria of the old high school. Ms. Raffa wants everyone to know her favorite animal is a dog, not a frog. 

Mrs. Cummins was a caroler, peppermint, reindeer, and toy soldier in the Nutcracker Ballet. Ms. O’Neil is a certified frog monitor. Ms. Matson has run the Boston Marathon 10 times.

These were some really fascinating facts and revealed that there is much more to learn about the individuals in our school district. Share your favorite teacher factoid in the comment section below. 


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About the Contributor
Matthew Gemme
Matthew Gemme, Staff Reporter
I am a junior at Sutton. That is all you get.

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  • L

    LillianMay 30, 2024 at 7:01 pm

    Interesting facts fav article
