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Ice Breakers–make or break the conversation?

Are they effective or not? When should they be used?
(Deisa Tremarias)

Icebreakers are the true phenomenon of the current world, used in business, meetings, greetings, and social activities. They are a tool designed to be relative to the group that they are being used in.

There are different types of ice breaks that can be categorized to fit the group they are being used for. In a professional setting, ice breakers are used to get to know clientele and to build trust with them in order to keep their business.

Word games can be a good icebreaker as they can create conversation off emotion. (Slido)

They are how people can bond with others over similarities in answers or in differences to provide discussion.

Ice breakers can be very versatile and can be modified for whatever lesson or lesson delivery. 

The research behind ice breakers concluded that people can learn from each other and learn empathy by building connection with others, giving people an opportunity to meet others that they wouldn’t have met before.

Ice breakers can create a community as you learn more about others to identify differences and similarities. The habits of the mind will determine the quality of the relationship. 

They can be games, as well, that help to start a conversation. The most popularized game is charades because of its fun loving nature that tends to create more of a team space environment. By having everyone up and participating, the games continue to nurture the space for more involvement. 

“A study by CareerBuilder revealed that 71% of employers surveyed valued EQ over IQ because employees with high emotional intelligence stay more calm under pressure, resolve conflict more effectively, and are more likely to respond to co-workers empathetically”(Business Leadership Today).

When communicating with clarity and precision, they can maximize the effectiveness of the exercise. The emotional intelligence can grow and be cultivated, and people can grow socially. Emotional intelligence can help get jobs, social network, and provide polite conversation. These can be used in the workplace, education systems, and clubs to introduce topics and people to each other. 

Overall, ice beakers can be effective and put to good use if we utilize them in a clear precise way to build better and more communities. 

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About the Contributor
Gwyneth Johnson
Gwyneth Johnson, Staff Reporter
I'm a junior student-athlete at Sutton Highschool. I participate in many clubs at school that help me pursue my interests in marketing and leadership. Though I would not describe myself as a highly social person, I do enjoy hanging out with my friends, team dinners, and getting to know new people. My favorite color has been red for a long time, and I love binge watching movies and TV shows.

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