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Victory Lap: Sutton’s Mario Kart Team Clinches Massachusetts State Championship

This is Sutton’s first eSports Championship
Michael Bilica
The final score shows the Warriors winning their first state championship!

In a thrilling display of skill, strategy, and unyielding determination, Sutton’s Mario Kart team zoomed to victory at the Massachusetts state championship last weekend. The win marks a historic moment for our school’s eSports program, propelling it into the spotlight, and setting a high bar for future competitions.

A Race to Remember

Held at the prestigious Helix eSports Arena at Patriot Place, the state championship was the culmination of a ten week season with the top teams in the state. The competition with the runner up, Methuen, was fierce, with each team bringing their A-game, hoping to secure the coveted title. Our team, known as the Waluigi Warriors, showcased unparalleled teamwork and individual prowess, navigating through tricky courses and overcoming the formidable opponent three sets to one in the best of five series.

Captain Luke Drummond, a senior and the team’s sole male member, led the team with precision and confidence.  He also is a four year starter with the eSports program, participating in several playoff runs, but this was his first title. He led all drivers with the highest point total of either team.

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Breaking Stereotypes

The Warriors are not only champions on the track but also trailblazers off it. Comprised of four girls and one boy, the team is shattering stereotypes in the eSports community, proving that gender diversity is a strength in competitive gaming. In addition, Methuen had the same ratio, making the stage a representation of the inclusiveness of eSports in the state.

Sophomore Isabella Caban, known for her impeccable callouts and item usage, played a crucial role in the team’s overall performance.  

Abby LaCoe, one of the two 8th graders on the team, and the team’s go-to for high placements, demonstrated remarkable skill in hitting her shortcuts and using items for defense.

The competition took place at Patriots Place, right beside Gillette Stadium (Unknown)

The Road to Victory

The journey to the championship was not without its challenges. The Warriors faced tough opponents in the semifinals, losing a round but winning two sets to one. However, their rigorous practice sessions and in-depth understanding of the game’s mechanics paid off, allowing them to adapt and outmaneuver their rivals there and in the finals as well.

Head Coach Michael Bilica had the benefit of coaching with his son, Michael III, who has been mentoring the team since its inception, and his insight clearly helped this team find the keys to success. “I couldn’t be more proud of what my son accomplished with the team this year. He is a great coach and really got the most out of the players,” said Coach Bilica. 

Celebrating the Win

The entire school community is buzzing with excitement and pride. A celebratory banner in the gym will honor the team’s achievement, and plans are already underway for next year’s season. Principal Ted McCarthy commended the team’s accomplishment, highlighting the importance of eSports as a growing field.

I was super excited for the eSports Team when I heard about the Mario Kart State Championship. The players on the eSports Team dedicate a lot of time and energy to the team, and for all of their hard work to be paid off with a state championship – that’s just great. Sutton has won State Championship Titles in a number of different Sports – eSports is now added to that list. It is a great testament to how a small school like ours can accomplish so much at a high level.”

— Principal Ted McCarthy

Also, in a recent School Committee meeting, Committee member Nathan Jerome also recognized the championship. 

The Warriors pose with Sutton’s first eSports championship trophy (Unknown)

Looking Ahead

While the Warriors bask in their well-deserved victory, they laso now set their sights on future competitions, including PlayVS Open National Tournament, which begins on Tuesday, May 21. The team also hopes to inspire more students to join the eSports program and explore the exciting world of competitive gaming.

For now, though, they enjoy their moment in the spotlight, knowing they’ve made history for our high school. Congratulations to the Waluigi Warriors for their outstanding performance and for bringing home the championship title!


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