I think that the color red is ugly.
I think the months of October through December are the best months of the year. This is because first, most of it is fall which is the best season and also you have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas in these months.
I think that spaghetti sauce is gross.
I think that water is the best drink. Maybe I’m just not a juice type of person but water also is the best liquid for you. Going off of that I think apple and cranberry juice are disgusting.
Although I’m a senior, I think juniors should have flex, too.
I think that they should change the stalls in the girls bathrooms because the gaps between the doors are far too big.
I think that healthcare should be free.
I think that financial wellness should be a full year course to better prepare students for the real world.
I think we should give the lunch stuff more appreciation because everyone complains about the school lunches but at the end of the day the line is still all the way down the lunch room, meaning you’re eating it, so what are you really complaining about?
I think that no one has room to judge anyone because as much as you may think you know someone, you will never know what it is like to be them.
I think that it’s crazy to say someone’s music tastes is bad; it all depends on perspective.
I think that we should all put more effort into helping people in poverty or in need.
I think that all people need to be more open minded.
I think that when it comes to politics, both now and in the future, everyone needs to be a lot more professional, and make decisions simply on facts.
I think that standardized testing is not for everyone and I think it shouldn’t reflect a person’s intelligence.
I think that everyone’s main goal should be to achieve the best possible versions of themselves. This could look different for each individual person. But if your goal is to reach the status of another specific person it’ll never happen because two people are never the same.
I think that the rain is amazing and it is my favorite weather.
I think that if you make the best with what you are given it can’t be that bad (to an extent).
I think that they should raise the salaries of teachers. Not really sure how that would work but I think it would benefit everyone.