I think that everyone should eat a bowl of fruit a day.
I think schools should have a half-day every Friday because most students work on weekends and this never really gives a kid a day off to rest their mind and body.
I think everyone should stop wearing shorts all year round because if you are cold, you can become very sick and spread it to your peers.
I think that everyone should own an iPhone because that way everyone can Facetime and text easily with the same device.
I think that Owala bottles are better than Stanleys. Stanley are unreliable, they are cheaply made, and contain iron which can be harmful and even fatal.
I think that college should be cheaper; this would allow more people to attend, and help families to struggle less.
I think that the school should offer a side option of chicken nuggets every day for students who are picky eaters.
I think that summer and fall are better than winter and spring. Summer is a time where you can enjoy the outdoors, and do a whole bunch outside, while fall has many good holidays and nice chilly weather, but spring and winter are normally very cold and uncomfortable times of the year.
I think that the school lunch should be changed–they should only focus on days that people actually enjoy. This will help with food waste and with people going hungry.
I think parents shouldn’t be strict with their children because of the nature of them being rebellious, and doing a lot more stuff behind your back
I think that everyone should be registered to vote because people’s voices matter. This will help with the elections, and help decide a winner.
I think that school days should be less hours but we still have the same class schedule. This would help with allowing more time for work, homework, chores, and sleep.
I think that people should stop trying to be so nice to everyone. Being nice does not build character, and people will not know what to do when a problem goes a way it wasn’t meant to.
I think that school should start later in the day; this will allow for more sleep, and for fewer kids to be exhausted.
I think that hightops are better for you than running sneakers; sneakers do not give as good of ankle support and arch to your foot and this can lead to health issues.
I think that slippers are one of the best shoes; they’re comfy, cute, and overall just a easy option to slip right on.
I think that school should be less work and less draining. Students are burnt out, drained, and tired.
I think that “Dance Moms” is the best reality TV show.
I think that jeans should be banned because they’re itchy and uncomfortable.
I think that most useless bugs should die because they do not serve any purpose and are just gross.
Softball is an amazing sport because of hand-eye coordination.
Reading is good because of the relaxation and thinking skills that the mind experiences. You should read physical books because there is no blue light.