The Hangover is the best movie trilogy. Each movie does exactly what it wants to do which is make you laugh, and all the characters are amazing.
Money buys happiness in almost every way. It has been proven by multiple studies that people are happier when they have a wealthier income.
Christmas is the best holiday.
Going on hikes and walking on trails is fun.
The NFL is the best sport to watch on television.
Stephen King is the best author. Even when I was in elementary school I liked reading Stephen King books. I think they’re entertaining and I never get distracted when reading them.
Cornerback is physically the hardest position in sports. With no doubt in my mind it is the hardest. A cornerback has to mirror who they are defending perfectly and they can’t mess up at all. Corners also are the lightest players on the defense and have to tackle along with guarding routes play after play.
Blue is the best color because it goes with everything.
Going out for dinner often is important. I think it is a good way to social with anyone and getting out of the house is important for everyone.
The UFC is better than boxing. MMA involves elbows, knees, and kicks as well as punches. Boxing is simply not enough, as an athlete will need to pick up another art form like kick boxing, karate, or muay thai to enable a greater striking ability.
Braveheart is the greatest movie of all time, and The Sopranos is the best show of all time.
There is no best genre of music; every genre has its peaks and valleys. I think you should listen to whatever sounds good to you, not what sounds good to other people.
“3005” by Childish Gambino is the best song of all time because it has everything you need in a song: strong lyrics, catchy chorus, multiple verses, great beat, etc.
Your mind is the strongest thing in the world.
Orange juice is the best drink with breakfast.
I think being an Extrovert or an Introvert is equal. One isn’t better than the other because there needs to be a mix of both.
Everyone should play a sport.
Just because someone has different political beliefs doesn’t mean you have to dislike them. I think most people today think that way and it needs to stop. It’s unhealthy and wrong to dislike someone for having different ideas and beliefs.
Bladee has the best discography out of any artist in the music industry.