Some may say high school isn’t fun and all we do is learn, but Sutton High School offers a wide range of clubs that work hard to host events which transform high school into a more enjoyable experience. These opportunities allow students to make new friends, create lasting memories, and just allow for an enjoyable school experience beyond the classroom.
The Student Council is a huge club at our school, containing over 50 members. The advisors, Mrs. Koneczny, one of our school nurses, and Mrs. Maxim, a guidance counselor at our school, lead the group as they organize some of Sutton’s biggest school events. These include: the Homecoming Dance, pep rallies, Spring Fling, Mini Olympics and the Winter Variety show. As well as some other smaller things throughout the school year that take place during school hours like Haunt the Halls, Deck the Halls, and various spirit weeks. The Student Council will also attend a fall conference in a few weeks as well as the (blank) which will take place in the spring. Thanks to our student council, students are able to engage in fun things during the school year, fostering more school spirit.
Our Community Service Learning Club (CSL) is another great club at our school. There are over 60 members in this club. The advisor is Mrs. Gamble, a math teacher at Sutton High. She leads the club in various community service activities and events. Recently, they participated in a trunk-or-treat run by the PTO and put together three trunks. Also they take a field trip over to the senior center, once around Thanksgiving and another around Valentine’s Day. Last spring CSL put together a mental health week which included activities to promote mental health and well-being for students at our school.
Connections is another amazing club at our school that hosts great events in and outside of school. Their main event is the annual Connections Conference, which takes place every year in March. They have hundreds of students and teachers from other Connections clubs come together to listen to any of the 50-plus workshops offered. Many of them touch on topics such as social justice, social media and its effects, implicit and explicit biases, and the goal is to make our community and other communities better places.

The Environmental Club is run by one of our high school sciences teachers, Mrs. O’Neal. She organizes many events and activities that give students the opportunity to get involved in our community in an environmentally friendly way. This club has over seventy members, their co-presidents are senior Addison Jerome and junior Chrissy DeCell, and their vice president is senior Elise Gaul. They kicked off the school year with painting environmentally themed things on pumpkins in honor of the Halloween season. They plan to do many more things in the future like a town wide clean up, environmentally themed scavenger hunt where you can win a reusable water bottle, and collaborate with Nex Trex where they collect 10,000 pounds of plastics to create a bench.
To conclude, Sutton High School offers a variety of clubs that enhance students’ high school experience. From Student Council’s fun events, to CSL’s impactful community engagements, and Connections meaningful activities, all together these clubs provide students with the opportunity to grow, make long lasting memories, and connect.