As you have seen in the news and on social media, there have been different sightings of skinwalkers worldwide. Are these situations real or just clickbait online and a way to make money from lies?
What is a skinwalker?
Skinwalkers come from Navajo traditions of stories and culture. A skinwalker is a harmful witch who has the ability to turn into different beginnings. Most of the time they portray an animal form. How can you tell if someone is a skinwalker? The legend claims that it is by the way their eyes glow and look, unlike humans.
About a year ago there was a case all over social media of a woman flying American Airlines seeing a skinwalker on the plane. The woman’s name was Tiffany Gomez. She caused a panic and started screaming and yelling, so as people do in this society, they pulled out their phones and recorded instead of doing anything productive to help the situation.
The plane’s departure time ended up being delayed as the investigation started and she was escorted off the plane. The plane was leaving Dallas on July 2, 2023. Many believe and assume that the woman was unwell or under the influence, but reports have shown that she was not by the way she walked and talked through the video and report.
As she got off the plane, she assured that people would follow her by getting off the plane. After this, the woman has not come forward to reveal the true story of what she had seen. So what happened to this woman? Where is Gomez now?
A woman has come on the social media platform known as TikTok claiming to be the person from the airplane, but people throughout the comment claim it wasn’t the same girl and the features were slightly different. Could this have been from makeup lighting or camera quality? Many believe that possibly the government threatened to keep her quiet and that the government knows more than it is telling us.

Gomez later appeared on a podcast to talk about the situation and said that she had made it all up, but people were still claiming that this woman was an imposter and the government made it look this way so that people didn’t believe the woman. A so-called bystander who was on the plane came forward and posted her TikTok and reaction to what had happened.
Claiming that the woman had a pair of AirPods and that the man next to her had possibly stolen them no one knows if this bystander was on the plane or not. A physiologist investigated and said the way the woman was screaming and yelling was because she was in great distress. Family members reached out on social media and claimed that the man sitting next to her “who stole her AirPods” said “ I’m going to take this whole plane down” and that his eyes blinked vertically instead of horizontally.
Now this is not factually true as there are no videos or documentation of what this man said or did. Other cases have featured footage on ring cameras and other forms of security footage, such as skinwalkers in animal form and as human form shape-shifting. In this day and age, it is hard to decide whether something is real or AI-generated. This also comes into the belief that shadow people, skinwalkers, demons, and ghosts are real.
Is the supernatural a real thing? If you believe in the Bible, it states that “ghosts” and demons are real and that they do live among us. It states that Satan, and his minions surround the world portraying evil.
Many people believe many things as far as conspiracy and religion, but what went on here as of now this case remains a mystery to the people even though some may claim it has been resolved, many others don’t.
I believe in the supernatural, as there are multiple horror films based on true events, and there have been countless accounts of paranormal activity throughout history. Still, what actually happened in this case is yet unknown.
Here are some videos of what had happened.
Viewer discretion is advised due to explicit language and supernatural beings.