I think that……
- The mountains are slightly better than the beach because of the range of weather in each season and the activities.
- Pineapple is the best fruit.
- Dexter is the best television show ever.
- Video games are a good outlet for people to have fun and connect with friends.
- Cities are overrated. They are just gross, loud, and filled with too many people.
- Fall is the best season because of the foliage, holidays, cool crisp weather, great food, and football.
- Old music is better than new music.
- The Eagles are one of the best bands ever.
- “Hotel California” is the best song ever.
- Spending time with family and friends in Cape Cod is the best way to spend a summer.
- The open ocean and space are two scariest things a person could be in. The open space and the unknown alone is the most terrifying part, and also the fact that you could drown or be eaten by something in the ocean. While in space you could run out of oxygen or get stuck in space with no hope of returning home to earth.
- Listening to Bob Marley & The Wailers in the summer on repeat is amazing.
- Mint Oreo is the best ice cream flavor.
- Football is the best sport for your mental health as you learn to keep pushing yourself when you want to quit.
- Fortnite is the best multiplayer video game ever.
- Christmas is the best holiday.
- January-April is the worst stretch of the year because of the cold and rainy weather and the obscure amount of pressure with school work.
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