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Sutton High News

Meet the Candidates for School Committee

Amy Levins–Write In Candidate
Amy Levins–Candidate for School Committee
SuttonHighNews conducted an interview with each candidate running for the School Committee. Our goal is to provide a more comprehensive look at each candidate so voters can make an informed decision.
SuttonHighNews is not endorsing any candidate. The interviews are being released in a random order with no intent to give anyone more or less time.
All candidates were given the questions in advance and asked to respond in less than two minutes per question. We asked the same questions, in the same order, to each candidate.
Amy Levins preferred to send her answers via email, and they are below:
1. What is your name, how long have you lived in Sutton, and how many children do you have in or have had in the Sutton Public Schools (how long were they there)?
My name is Amy Levins. I have lived in Sutton for 13 years. I will not discuss my family.
2. What are the best features of the Sutton Public Schools?
Best features of school are accreditation and all the specifics that follow said accreditation.
3. What is the most crucial issue facing public education?
Most crucial issue is maintaining requirements to maintain accreditation.
4. How can we properly fund education without dramatically raising taxes?
Education costs can be redistributed as best as possible. Taxes go up as everything else goes up every year.
5. What do you want to see happen in Sutton Public Schools over the next two years?
Over the next two years, the focus needs to be completely redirected to education and preparing students to become civil productive members of society.
6. How much input should parents have into the classroom curriculum? What should happen when state requirements conflict with parental concerns?
Parents who are also taxpayers should have access to review curriculum and discuss concerns with the school committee regarding regulations without fear.
7. What made you decide to either run and seek re-election, or what made you choose to run and see election?
I decided to run because there needs to be a change.
8. What are your primary credentials that make you an excellent candidate?
Credentials are: various public volunteer positions held and thousands of hours of volunteer work for 15 plus years; a mom who stands for God’s standards without fear.
9. If elected/re-elected, how will you work to find common ground with your fellow school committee members?
I will work to do what is best for students.
10. What specific message would you like to share with the voters?
My specific message I would like to share with voters is: please consider the long term impact when you vote. Students in developmental years need you to stand up for what is right. Woe to anyone who leads little children astray.

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