The Cross Country season is off to a fantastic start. On Saturday, the team raced at the Martha’s Vineyard Invitational meet.
The girls came in fifth overall out of twelve teams with several of them medaling. Annie Lamoreaux was the first Sutton girl with a time of 20:03.
The boys came in fifteenth overall out of sixteen teams with Amsden Klinghard as the first Sutton boy in a time of 19:01.

It was a difficult course due to deep sand in certain areas, slowing the runners somewhat down. Despite this, they pushed through and worked together to complete the course.
Later, the freshmen raced in a 3k, or about 1.8 miles, while the upperclassmen ran a 5k, or 3.1 miles.
In the end, it was a great experience for everyone. The team took the ferry out of Falmouth to Martha’s Vineyard and back out of Oak Bluffs where they were able to walk around downtown and see the sights.

Good luck to both the girls and boys team on Tuesday, September 17 at Shaw Farm for their next meet. The meet begins at 3:30 p.m.