AI is a revolutionary element and the world is getting along with it, but why not schools? Nowadays everyone is using Chat-GPT for distinct methods of learning and entertainment, and in my opinion, schools should allow the use of Chat-GPT and many other AI tools as a method of learning and not as a way to cheat on a test or assignment.
The students who have more interest in AI are the programmers and writers, and this is because of two things: first, AI can show you a really basic or simple code that programmers can use as a guideline to keep track of their work. This allows them to really put their effort and time on their job, making it easier to accomplish, and with this they can create more websites or codes per day, just by this little step.
Second, for writers, many of them use Chat-GPT as a way to improve their writing and method of writing for a specific public, taking recommendations and learning from their mistakes based on a AI recommendations. Anyone can use AI in order to enhance paragraphs, and you can ask AI for recommendations on how to write a good story. You are not cheating–you are learning from a different resource.
A more appropriate way to use it would be making a paragraph of your own and asking Chat-GPT to check if the facts and sites that you are writing or citing are correct and understandable. Also, if you are an artist or writing you can seek for any inspiration source, you can ask for many things to keep your ideas on track, like ask it to recommend you any book to inspirate on, or any YouTube channel that teaches an specific lesson you are looking for. There are many other ways to use AI and you can do it without cheating, and just learning from their sources. Like, if you want to learn how to play the guitar, you might be looking for a specific lesson on how to do it, well, you can ask AI to give you some chords that are more easier for beginners, or show you some places near where you live that are offering guitar lessons. AI can boost your efficiency and productivity by getting the resources you need more easily and in a short time. AI can analyze data and, predict outcomes and give advice if you are struggling with something.
You can even talk about your mental problems or how you feel at this moment, and an AI Chatbot won’t judge you, unlike humans, AI doesn’t have feelings, and wouldn’t judge based on a bias. It will tell you the truth on how you can improve your mental health without needing to look at you.
Lynbrook High School created a non-profit project that involves the creation of an AI Chatbot that help teenagers with common mental problems to go through it with some advices and recommendations on how to overcome it.

This project is one of many big projects created with AI, an idea, and a lot of effort. This shows how AI is not that bad and it can be really useful for complex problems and simple tasks.
If you are trying a new exercise routine, you can ask Chat-GPT what benefits this new routine will do, how to improve it, and how to start a new one. Ask for advice to improve your learning method, like turning your phone on “Don’t Disturb” Mode which will help keep you from checking notifications.
AI can recommend many things, with clear instructions you can change the way Chat-GPT answers you, giving more details, being more creative, basing their answers on facts, or answering on a creative, poetical or theoretical tone. Even the police use an AI that recapitulates information based on people’s look to find their data.
So that’s why I think we should be allowed to use AI responsibly, and maybe teachers can teach us how to use it properly, improving our time management and leaving some time for extra work or personal hobbies. La Trobe University created an AI that help students with common mental problems based on the research of common factors that psychologists use to treat this kind of feelings and behaviors on teenagers and young adults.
AI can be used to create study guides, an adequate schedule based on your needs for the moment, share some ideas for recipes with the ingredients that you have at home, and many other things. But I think, in the classroom, the limit should be settled by the teacher, explaining if students are allowed to use AI as a method of learning for their class or assignment, and if it is allowed, explaining in which way students can use it to improve their work and knowledge.
In general my point of view on AI is both good and bad, because many people are using AI to replicate and steal art from real talented people. Even if AI is good with certain tasks, it shouldn’t be used to recreate soulless illustrations of real human’s art. But I strongly believe that someday, a student will prove that AI can be useful to help you learn, and many people will finally change their point of view on this problem.
I want to know your opinion on AI being used for education purposes. Do you think it is good and will help students to think? Or it will be a really bad idea and students will be forcing AI to think for them and help them cheat on their assignments? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.