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Shortfall in Budget Leads to Cuts, Reassignments

The football team and at least one teacher are the biggest changes for now
As it stands, the green of Sutton playing football will not happen this coming fall and beyond (Andrew Venuti)
As it stands, the green of Sutton playing football will not happen this coming fall and beyond (Andrew Venuti)
To watch the school committee meeting (or any school committee meeting), go to this link that will take you to the town’s YouTube channel.

Tomorrow, the proposed school budget for the 2025-2026 school year will be discussed in a special school committee meeting. What follows is a look at the proposals, how it will affect the schools, and questions that need to be asked such as how will curriculum, transportation, sports, clubs, and faculty/staff be affected? 

First, the additions:

These are proposed additions for the 25-26 school year. For clarification purposes, there is a District-Wide School Psychologist, but the increase is making that person a Full Time Employee (FTE). All five of these must happen in order for us to be compliant with our SPED (Special Education) services.

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These additions are for the ELC/ELEM buildings.


These two slides will be explained at the meeting tomorrow, but for clarification purposes, SESA is the Sutton Educational Support Association. This group consists of Instructional Assistants, Administrative Assistants, Custodians, etc.

One position has been eliminated from the MS/HS, supplies are being reduced, a FTE Library Assistant will be moved to an Instructional Aide position, and the Senior field trip that happens each September will be funded by the students. The football program is being eliminated.

Paying attention to the bottom of the slide, a town increase of funds has assisted in keeping this lower, but as it also states the SESA contract will be negotiated this winter/spring. Until that is concluded, the actual figure is not known and additional reductions/cuts may be required.

Should additional reductions/cuts be necessary, the following three positions may be eliminated.

These are additional positions that were recommended but are not happening due to the budget.

This is just the beginning of what could happen. By no means is this a total, comprehensive look at what has happened and may happen, but it is an overview. To learn more, to hear what others have to suggest/offer, and to hear the reasons for the changes, there is a school committee meeting tomorrow at the Town Hall. People may attend in person or watch on YouTube.

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