Stress Can Be Good

Stress is necessary in life.

Stress Can Be Good

Charles Marchand, Staff Writer

The Cleveland Clinic calls stress, “a normal reaction the body has when changes occur, resulting in physical, emotional and intellectual responses.”

Stress has always been perceived as bad, so it may be surprising to hear that stress can also be beneficial. Stress can bring motivation, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment. 

(Men’s Health)

There are two types of stress, good and bad.

“Good stress, or eustress, is the type of stress you feel when you’re excited” (Summa Health). Examples of this could be going on a roller coaster, going on a first date, or hoping to get a job. This type of stress is short-term and has a positive effect on a person’s mental and physical health.


Bad stress occurs when there are large amounts of stress building up. “Bad forms of stress do not help us achieve goals or tasks, but instead actually inhibit our ability to function on a daily basis” (BJC Health Care). This type of stress can be both short-term or long-term, and can take a mental and physical toll on the body.

Both good and bad stress cause the same triggering effects on a person like having butterflies in your stomach. “Ultimately, what distinguishes good stress from bad is how you react or feel about the experience” (Summa Health).

One interesting thing about stress is that it can transfer from bad to good, or even good to bad. Something that is perceived as a threat by someone can change to being perceived as a challenge instead. This change will transform bad stress into good stress. But, positive stress can become chronic if you experience too much of it.

Although the type of stress in a certain situation is decided upon the circumstances of the situation, it is also decided by a person’s attitude toward the stress. A positive person tends to perceive stress in a more positive way than others, “If you tend to have a positive attitude—a self-confident sense that you can get through a rough period—you’re more likely to have a healthy response than if you perceive stress as catastrophic” (Jaret).

When facing stress, it is best to look at the situation as an accomplishable challenge. For example, when you have a huge load of homework, instead of giving up and moving away from the problem, you should have a positive outlook on it. 

If you look at it as a challenge, once completed, you will feel a great wave of relief and accomplishment. This is a great way to perceive stress.

As fun as the four years of high school are, much stress comes with them. Ways to approach it are of utmost importance. It is also crucial to know that not all stress is bad, so it is unnecessary for it to have a bad connotation.

Stress occurs all the time and can have a positive effect in several aspects of our lives. Small doses of it can increase alertness, motivation, and performance. So, instead of attempting to dodge it, embrace it.