Do you use cruelty-free products only?
Do you have a pet at home?
How would you feel if your pet constantly suffered for your safety?
All sorts of brands that you use are currently being tested on animals. Certain animals are bred just to be tortured by humans. Studies have shown that as of 2023-2024, 110 million animals have died from testing each year. The United States has one of the highest rates of animal testing in the world. This has led to controversies about the morals of animal testing.

Over the years, social media has blown up with the idea of cruelty-free. Cruelty-free ideas mean that companies will manufacture their products in ways that don’t involve any animals.
People were constantly receiving backlash for using skincare and makeup products that are formed around animal testing. During this time many companies were being exposed for using animals and this issue was really brought to light starting in 2022.
When the word cruelty products is heard, the number one thing that comes to mind is injecting products into animals bodies, but some dogs are getting their organs damaged to see how the body will react, or mice are force-fed doses of chemicals over years to see if a cancer will form within.
Horses are infected with potentially fatal viruses to see how the human body would react. Studies have shown that even with all this testing human bodies are different from animal bodies, and these products could react differently on humans than it does on animals.

With this knowledge, innocent animals can be tortured, abused, and or killed, all for it to be an invalid test and still not be safe and meet the requirement for humans.
Still, there are legitimate reasons why animal testing is a necessity in this day and age.
In comparison a human life is more significant than an animal’s life; this is shown in the Bible and many articles and studies. Vaccines and certain products are necessary because of the complex research that biochemists are trying to solve and understand better.
For products to be launched and be FDA Approved, they need to undergo nonclinical tests. These tests do not involve any human life, but clinical testing involves human lives. To run the clinical trials humans need to volunteer and sign many documents. These trials can be beneficial or life-threatening.
This can lead to people selling their body to science. This is often a decision made before death, and once you have passed on the government owns your body and can do any testing and procedures. A beneficial aspect from this process for the donor is not having to pay for cremation or casket fees.
As the problem has taken over how brands formulate and publicize their products, they are constantly left with the question of what other testing they could do to substitute animal testing.
No matter the testing, the need will not go away nor will the debate over how to properly do it.